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Honey Money: The Power of Erotic Capital by Catherine Hakim

Cosy-ing up to the telly last night, News Night caught my attention with a lovely buzzword- ‘erotic capital’.

Short of anything other than riots and economy to winge about they’d brought on Catherine Hakim, a ‘Senior Research Fellow of Sociology’, to talk about her new book “Honey Money: The power of Erotic Capital”.

According to Penguin:
Dr Catherine Hakim’s groundbreaking book reveals how erotic capital is just as influential in life as how rich, clever, educated or well-connected we are … She examines how women and men learn to exploit it, how it differs across cultures and how it affects all spheres of activity … Honey Money is a call for us to recognize the economic and social value of erotic capital. This will not only get women a better deal in …  life – it could also revolutionize our power structures, big business, the sex industry, government … etc etc

In short: People like pretty people. Groundbreaking, indeed! Next you’ll be telling us it’s illegal to discriminate against the ugly or disabled.

But whatthehellis erotic capital?

A really fun word to throw about. Some clever man said your “erotic capital” is being bumped up by the quality and quantity of attributes you have that others can find sexy. So, I’m guessing it can varies from having big tits, big brains to even a big collection of frilly socks.  Hakim herself divides erotic capital into seven areas, though.

So what’s new?

Well, as the nice lady joining her on News Night said, Catherine Hakim has successfully her PHD in writing a book stating the obvious.

I can’t say why they decided this book was breaking news either!

Still, if you’re up for reading old ideas written in our current downfalling age, here’s her book on how blowjobs get you a promotion, I think I’ll be ordering it into the library myself. Or perhaps you’d rather learn a more modern theory like, oh, gravity.